
Take Action!
Are you looking for more ways to get involved? The Louis D. Brown Peace Institute (LDBPI) is committed to informing, influencing and impacting public policy that transforms society’s response to homicide, and fosters an environment where all communities can live in peace.
Call upon your State Representative and State Senator to co-sponsor the following legislative priorities!
Please contact Pace McConkie Jr. with any questions.
Current Legislative Priorities
Call upon your State Representative and State Senator to co-sponsor the following pieces of legislation!
Survivor Rights
An Act Relative to Unsolved Homicides (HD.1754/S.2177)
Lead sponsors: Rep. Russell E. Holmes (6th Suffolk), Rep. Bud L. Williams (11th Hampden), Sen. Liz Miranda (Second Suffolk)
Committee: Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight
This bill establishes an Office of Unsolved Homicides and Unsolved Homicides Task Force within the Office of the Attorney General, and creates a pathway for survivors to have their loved one’s case re-reviewed if left unsolved for three years or more.
An Act Relative to Bereavement Leave (H.2189/S.1354)
Lead sponsors: Rep. Christopher Worrell (5th Suffolk), Rep. Sean Garballey (23rd Middlesex), Sen. Liz Miranda (Second Suffolk)
Committee: Joint Committee on Labor and Workforce Development
Although the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) provides job and benefits protection for 56% of the United States workforce, bereavement is not an eligible condition for both job or wage protection. This bill serves as an important step in ensuring that all workers in Massachusetts have the same right to bereavement leave protected under the law.
An Act to enhance the rights of crime victims in the Commonwealth (H.1654/S.1063)
Lead sponsors: Rep. Marjorie C. Decker (25th Middlesex), Sen. Julian Cyr (Cape and Islands)
Committee: Joint Committee on the Judiciary
This bill amends Chapter 258B of the Massachusetts General Laws, updating the definition of a family member, clarifying who needs to be notified of sentencing and case disposition, and sets up a commission to study victim impact.
An Act expanding access to victim compensation (S.1180)
Lead Sponsor: Sen. Liz Miranda (Second Suffolk)
Committee: Joint Committee on the Judiciary
This bill expands the Massachusetts Victims of Violence Crime Compensation by increasing funeral and burial costs coverage to $15,000, and extends the eligibility window for applicants.
Increase Massachusetts State Budget Line Item 4513-1098 to $1,000,000
These funds would sustain a statewide homicide response protocol by supporting:
- the “Rest in Peace Fund” and “Live in Peace Fund”, which aids survivors of homicide victims with direct services in the aftermath of a homicide and fill the gaps of Victims of Violent Crime Compensation.
- the organizing and sustainment of a statewide Survivors of Homicide Victims Network (SHVN), and distributes grants to survivor-led organizations statewide.
- the operations and direct services provided by the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute.