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Board Opportunities
The Louis D. Brown Peace Institute (LDBPI) is seeking additional board members to join the Board of Directors. The Board provides mission-based leadership and strategic governance, and works together with the LDBPI leadership to bring a collaborative approach to this work.
This is an extraordinary opportunity for an individual who is passionate about the mission of the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute to serve families who are impacted by murder, trauma, grief and loss, as well as its vision to create and sustain an environment where all families can live in peace and all people are valued. The Board serves as thought partners to the LDBPI to develop and implement new ways of conducting nonprofit governance.
Current Openings
Overview of the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute
The Louis D. Brown Peace Institute (LDBPI) serves as a Center of Healing, Teaching and Learning for families and communities impacted by murder, trauma, grief and loss. Our vision is to create and sustain an environment where all families can live in peace and all people are valued. We believe that all families impacted by murder deserve to be treated with dignity and compassion, regardless of the circumstances. Learn more about the LDBPI’s services and programs here.
Board Member Recruitment
The Louis D. Brown Peace Institute is seeking additional board members to join the Board of Directors. The board supports the work of the LDBPI and provides mission-based leadership and strategic governance. While day-to-day operations are led by the LDBPI’s Chief Executive Officer and Co-Executive Directors, the board-senior staff relationship is a partnership, and the appropriate involvement of the board is both critical and expected.
In addition to their individual skills and experiences, all board members will be expected to understand the LDBPI mission, vision, beliefs and culture, and to bring a collaborative approach to this work. We are especially seeking people who are excited about partnering with the LDBPI as we develop and implement new ways of conducting nonprofit governance.
Collectively, the board is responsible for fulfilling its legal and fiduciary requirements and for partnering with staff leadership to ensure the success and sustainability of the organization. It should be noted that the Board is not responsible for fundraising activities. In general, board member responsibilities include:
- Understand and approve LDBPI ‘big picture’ vision, strategic direction
- Ensure consistency of board practices and continuity of governance
- Act as a thought partner to senior leadership
- Evaluate senior management
- Review and approve annual plan and budget
- Provide regular financial review and oversight
Individually, board members are expected to:
- Prepare for, attend, and participate in all board meetings
- Serve as thought partners to assist board officers and ensure all collective responsibilities are met
Time commitment: The board is scheduled to meet six times per year (January, March, May, July/August, October and November). This includes regular meetings (currently 1.5 hours, online) and an in-person summer retreat. Additional time between meetings will vary depending on individual role, preparation, and other board needs. In addition, board members will be invited to support the LDBPI in a range of other ways such as attending community events, including the LDBPI’s biggest fundraiser of the year- the Mother’s Day Walk for Peace- as well as opportunities to participate on LDBPI’s committees and working groups.
Financial Commitment: To create equity across the board and acknowledge that members may have different financial means, the board does not require a minimum for financial contribution. Instead, board members are encouraged to financially contribute an amount that is meaningful to them.
Term of Service: The Louis D. Brown Peace Institute’s board members will serve a three-year term with an option for re-appointment for one additional three-year term.
This is an extraordinary opportunity for an individual who is passionate about the mission of the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute. Currently, the priority skills and qualities needed for new board members are in the following fields:
Skill Sets
- Legal knowledge and/or ethical oversight
- Communication expertise, particularly around marketing and public relations
- Proficiency in data analytics and providing strategic programmatic insight
- Grassroots experience (including survivors of homicide, faith-based community, etc.)
- Corporate or non-profit experience, preferred
- Previous board or advisory experience, preferred
- Passion and commitment to the LDBPI mission
- Understanding of community needs
- Time availability and commitment
- Reliable and consistent
Individual Characteristics/Demographics
- Family of a homicide victim or incarcerated person, preferred
- Member of the LGBTQ+ community or non-US born/immigrant, preferred
In addition, savvy diplomatic skills and a natural affinity for cultivating relationships and persuading, convening, facilitating, and building consensus among diverse individuals are valued skills. Personal qualities of integrity, credibility, and a passion for improving the lives of the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute’s clients is required.
*If you are interested in serving on our Board but do not meet all of our preferred qualifications and skill sets, please still apply!
Service on the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute’s Board of Directors is without remuneration, except for administrative support, travel, and accommodation costs in relation to board members’ duties.
For more information or questions, please contact