Advocacy for policy that promotes dignity and compassion for all families impacted by murder.
Survivors of Homicide Victims Network:

State-wide network of Survivors working together to inform, influence and impact public policy.
Monthly meetings every 4th Wednesday
Peace Institute
15 Christopher St.
Dorchester, MA 02122
Please contact Danielle Bennett at for more information or give us a call at 617-825-1917
Serving Survivors of Homicide Victims Providers Network:

Professional network for providers to build relationships, practice self-care, and increase capacity to deliver coordinated, consistent, and compassionate services, when a homicide happens.
Providers Breakfast every 3rd Tuesday of the month except in January, May, November or December (no meeting)
10:00 AM – 12:00PM
Grove hall library
41 Geneva Ave, Dorchester, MA 02121
Please contact Danielle Bennett at for more information or give us a call at 617-825-1917
Survivors of Homicide Victims Awareness Month (November 20-December 20):

A month-long effort to educate the public and policymakers about the impact of murder on families and communities and recognize the diverse contributions of the Survivor’s movement. Massachusetts was the first state in the country to enact the law in 2000.
Join the national movement enact SHVAM in your state:
link to event calendar
Please contact Danielle Bennett at for more information or give us a call at 617-825-1917
The Memorial Button Project:

A painful, yet beautiful display honoring the lives of homicide victims. It serves as a powerful statement about the human cost of violence in society. The memorial gives comfort and hope because it cries out silently for Love, Unity, Faith, Hope, Courage, Justice and Forgiveness. The names are real, the faces are real, the memories are real and the pain is real.
To order memorial buttons, click here. If you have questions, please email Buttons@LDBpeaceinstitute.org or call Stefany at 617.825.1917 ×119 or, to place an order for Buttons, click here.
If you would like to book the The Travelling Memorial please contact Kamal Oliver or please call us at 617-825-1917.
Mother’s Day Walk for Peace:

The Mother’s Day Walk for Peace started in 1996 so that all mothers impacted by homicide could receive support and love from their neighbors. The Mother’s Day Walk for Peace is the Peace Institute’s largest fundraiser.